Consensus specialises in the design and management of industry development/award and recognition programs. We are committed to supporting innovation and enterprise.
Consensus celebrated its 20th year in 2019 by running Awards twice in the year. Going forward the Awards will be run every six months. We have successfully run the Consensus Awards every year and have conducted in excess of 1,000 evaluations of innovative technology. Judging is conducted by over 180 judges, a huge brains trust!
We also run the Global Management Challenge (GMC) in ANZ and are introducing The Milky Way into Australia and New Zealand in early 2020. The GMC was started in Europe and is the world’s largest Management Challenge running in 30+ countries. The Milky Way developed in Sweden is the next generation of mapping tools to manage all of your IT systems. Click on the logos on right to see more details.
Independent analysis of the Winners since 1999 shows that 89% of the Winners have gone on to be extremely successful world-wide. The Judges have got it right 9 times out of 10, year on year, on year, on year, on year! Each of our programs feature clearly defined judging criteria, fully independent judges and Awards made on merit with results “Endorsed by Consensus“.
The 2nd set of 2019 Consensus Awards Winners with (back centre) Richard White, Founder & CEO, WiseTech Global and (front 4th from left) Julian (Jolly) Day Founder & CEO of Consensus.
The Awards co-presented on 12th December by Richard White, Founder & CEO, WiseTech Global (Winner in 2004) and Julian Day, Founder & CEO, Consensus, were the Consensus Software Awards, Consensus Innovation Awards, Consensus AgTech Awards, Consensus GreenTech Awards and Consensus EdTech Awards. Thanks to Phil Redding for MC’ing the event.
Click on 2019 Consensus Awards Media Release. Click on the logos to the right to see the details of each. Click here for the video of the event recorded by Alex Zaharov-Reutt, Technology Editor at iTWire.
Former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has presented the Consensus Awards twice. In his 2017 message as Prime Minister, he said,
“The Consensus Awards have a history of celebrating some of the most cutting-edge and innovative Australian tech companies, counting world-famous firms Atlassian and WiseTech Global as former recipients. I have no doubt that this year’s recipients will follow in their success.”
The first round of 2019 Consensus Awards were presented on the evening of Thursday 9th May at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) at their prestigious offices at Barangaroo in Sydney. The five sets of Awards presented were the Consensus Software Awards, Consensus Innovation Awards, Consensus Student Innovation Awards, Consensus IT Professional Awards, and Consensus IT Writers Awards. As part of the Consensus IT Writers Awards, the Best Author Award and the “Kester” Lifetime Achievement Award were also presented. It was a fun-packed night! Click on the logos of the Awards (right) to see the Winners of these prestigious awards.
The second round of Consensus Awards in 2019 will be open from the middle of June with Awards presented in October. If you would like further details, please send us an email.

The 2018 Consensus Awards were presented by The Hon. Zed Seselja, Federal Assistant Minister for Science, Jobs & Innovation on the evening of Wednesday 25th July at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) at their prestigious offices at Barangaroo in Sydney. The two sets of Awards presented were the Consensus Software Awards and Consensus Innovation Awards. Click on the logos of the Awards (right) to see the Winners of these prestigious awards.

The 2017 Consensus Awards were presented by The Hon. Craig Laundy, Federal Assistant Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science and IT veteran Graeme Philipson on the evening of Monday 18th December. The event was hosted by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) at their prestigious offices at Barangaroo in Sydney.
The four Awards that were presented were the Consensus Software Awards, Consensus Innovation Awards, Consensus IT Writers Awards and the Consensus IT Professional Awards.
Click on the logos on the right to see the results of each. If you would like further details, please send us an email.
Consensus works with selected Program Partners who can provide vital support services such as legal services and intellectual property protection, venture and equity capital raising, media and public relations, export and overseas venture partner facilitation.
Consensus now runs 9 Awards Programs, three of which are new for 2018, the Consensus EdTech Awards, Consensus AgTech Awards, and the Consensus FinTech Awards.
Please contact us for information on these new Awards at
It was a great evening of celebration at the 2017 Consensus Awards Presentations!